Bruke and Feraywet

Bruke and Feraywet

Von links nach rechts: Feraywet, Bruke, Alex (2015).

Bruke was born on January 21, 2002 and is in the ninth grade. His sister Feraywet was born on April 19th 2000 and is in the eleventh grade. Both children attend the Future Generation Hope school for six years now and achieve good results at school.
For the first five years, Bruke and Feraywet were sponsored by a U.S. sponsor, who was forced to stop funding in 2013 for financial reasons. In the school year 2013/14 the children were supported by the school itself. This exception was only approved for one year, as the children's mother is employed as a cleaner at the school. Since September 2014 the children have been supported by our association.