Tensa Melekamu

Tensa Melekamu

Tensa was born on 19.04.2009 and is a godchild of KaJo e.V. since September 2019. Her favorite subjects are Mathematics, Science and Amarek. In her spare time she enjoys reading and playing hide and seek with her three best friends. Now and then she also plays with our other godchild Josef. Later in life, she wants to become a doctor.
Her mother has been a single parent for five months and currently has no permanent job. She also takes care of Tansa's one and a half year old sister. Tansa's father financially supports the family for spendings on Tansa. Nevertheless, it is difficult for the family to pay the rent of their accommodation (1000 birr per month), in which they live since six months now.

Here is a video of her: